I am using a basic horizontal menu with 4.03. Do you know how to center this on the page? I have spent about multiple hours reading through all these blogs and pdf files and still can't see anywhere where it tells me how to do this simple thing. I think if I totalled it up i probably spent around 5-6 hours reading things and searching google, asp.net, this site, etc. I just can't seem to find anywhere that can tell me how to do this.
My skin is very basic, it has a single table with three rows. The row in the middle is my content pane, the row at the top is my menu, and the row at the bottom is my footer. it is very basic html, and the menu is very basic too. I havent done anything to the menu or the skin other than add this tag to the skin in the top row of my table "[MENU]".
That tag gives me a menu that is horizontal. But it is always left justified, and it is driving me crazy! I can't figure out why it is so hard to change this. My CSS file is basic too, and everything has an align: center tag on it for the menu, and for the row in the table.
Can anyone help me please!!
I just read through Jon Henning's blog and couldnt find the info there, or in the documentation.