Being a Brit, my site has to deal with dates in both US and GB formats (mm/dd/yy & dd/mm/yy). At the moment, depending on a users locale, an album or file added to the Gallery has it's date stored in the resources file in their locale date format, rather than the site date format.
Because this date is now in 'string' format, it is resulting in 'Object......' errors when the site tries to convert back to date format for someone viewing the site using a different Locale.
I believe the correct solution is to force all dates in the resources file to one format, and I think the correct XML standard format is yyyymmdd. However, to get there, all users would have to convert the dates in all their resources files, not popular I'm sure!! I would suggest, that it may be better to standardise on mm/dd/yy, since that would probably suit the bulk of users and have least impact.
However, I got the impression from a blog entry from Chris, that their is an intent to move the metadata to be stored in the database, so this may be longer term view of how this problem should be dealt with. However, the potentially manual correction of data may still be needed to migrate existing resource files to the DB.
Chris, if you want a hand validating this issue and some work on a resolution, please let me know. I can also enter into Gemini if you want to track this problem there.