Report a Bug...

Before you report a bug, please review the following guidelines:

Bugs and Enhancements ONLY.

The Bug Tracker is not a support or trouble ticket system. It is intended for the formal tracking of defects and enhancement request relating to the DotNetNuke software product. If you wish to make general inquiries please do not enter them in the Bug Tracker as they will be deleted. General support is offered through the online Forums.

The basics: what you did, what you wanted to happen, and what actually happened.

Those are the three basic elements of a bug report. You need to tell us exactly what you did, what you expected to have happen, and what actually happened.

Always search the bug database first.

There are a lot of users of DotNetNuke. The odds are high that if you've found a problem, someone else has found it, too. If you spend a few minutes of your time making sure that you're not filing a duplicate bug, that's a few more minutes someone can spend helping to fix that bug rather than sorting out duplicate bug reports.

If you don't understand an error message, ask for help.

Don't report an error message you don't understand as a bug. There are a lot of places you can ask for help in understanding what is going on before you can claim that an error message you do not understand is a bug ( ie. the Forums )

Be brief, but don't leave any important details out.

This is a fine line to walk. But there are some general guidelines:

  • Remember the three basics: what you did, what you expected to happen, and what happened.
  • When you provide code that demonstrates the problem, it should almost never be more than ten lines long. Anything longer probably contains a lot of code that has nothing to do with the problem, which makes it more difficult to figure out the real problem.
  • If the product is crashing, include a trace log or stack dump (be sure to copy and paste all of the cryptic error codes and line numbers included in the results).
  • Inlcude screenshots when possible.  Often the exact wording of an error message or the layout of a screen can be important when trying to reproduce the bug in a controlled environment.  Your screenshot can help immensely in this effort.

Don't report bugs about old versions.

Every time a new version of DotNetNuke is released, many bugs are fixed. If you're using a version of a product that is more than two revisions older than the latest version, you should upgrade to the latest version to make sure the bug you are experiencing still exists. 

Only report one problem in each bug report.

If you have encountered two bugs that don't appear to be related, create a new bug report for each one. This makes it easier for different people to help with the different bugs.

Include code to fix the issue if you have it available.

DotNetNuke is a community driven Open Source project.  We rely on the help of the community to improve the platform.  If you know how to fix a bug, feel free to include the code fix in the bug report and mark the issue as "Includes Code Fix".  This will help us resolve the issue quicker than if we have to do all of the investigation and debugging on our own.

If you understand the above criteria, please click here.