DNN 7.4.2 with Advanced URLs
When a person enters a URL in the browser to see a page on a DNN site for which they currently do not have permission to see, then DNN will normally bump them to the login page or to the login control at least.
On this site, the person will see this really long url
Why does the URL have all that in there?
It does let me log in.
This url refers to a page named "Login" and there IS a page named login and my Account Login module IS on that page. And, I have gone to Site Settings / Advanced Settings and designated "Login" to be the Login Page.
So the page name is correct, and the Account Login module is there as it should be. So why does the URL show that long and ugly message?
There is also an error message at the top of the page that says:
A critical error has occurred. Please check the Event Viewer for further details.
And the event viewer message says:
DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke
Message:There is an error in your SQL at line 1: Must declare the scalar variable "@url_EID".
at DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.DataSources.DotNetNuke.DotNetNukeDataSource.ExecuteSQLReport()
at DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.DataSources.SqlDataSourceBase.ExecuteReport(ReportInfo report, PortalModuleBase hostModule, IDictionary`2 inputParameters)
at DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.ReportsController.ExecuteReport(ReportInfo objReport, String cacheKey, Boolean bypassCache, PortalModuleBase hostModule, Boolean& fromCache)
at DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.ReportsController.GetSearchItems(ModuleInfo ModInfo)
at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.GetSearchIndexItems(Int32 portalId)
That is also confusing because this seems to be referring to a parameter that a report module needs that is on a completely different page.
So the questions are,
1. How do I get the url to not have that ugly error message in it?
2. Why is there an error in the Event Viewer for a page and report module that no one is accessing?
(I am the only one that is accessing this site.)