I am building a module which creates a user friend request and sends a notification to the requested user, so far so good. However when the requested user clicks 'Accept' on their notification there is an error.
I have created a service as per the 6.2 quick start guide and have tested a hello world service. Next I took the Memeber Directory service called AcceptFriend and added it to my modules service class. Everything should be wired up proper so I think the issue is that I am not getting the required data over to the service
the service is looking for friendId as per below.
public ActionResult AcceptFriend(int friendId)
my notification looks like this
protected void sendFriendNotification()
var notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType("myFriendRequest");
var subject = "You have a Friend Request from " + UserInfo.DisplayName;
var body = Localization.GetString("FriendRequestBody", LocalResourceFile);
var sender = base.UserId; // Get the user that sends the notification.
var notification = new Notification
NotificationTypeID = notificationType.NotificationTypeId,
Subject = subject,
Body = body,
IncludeDismissAction = true,
SenderUserID = sender,
Context = ""
NotificationsController.Instance.SendNotification(notification, PortalSettings.PortalId, null, FriendList);
How might I pass friendId ?
Thanks for the help