I've seen a lot of posts about how the efforts to improve Gemini. Many of them encourage people who make feature requests or bug reports in the forums to report them in Gemini...
However for many - formal project management systems can be intimidating; most would rather just post in a non formal forum where they're not expected to follow a specific procedure.
I think that as part of the effort to clean up Gemini; a document should be made that explains the process that newcomers should use to report bugs and feature requests. That document, I believe, should not only be packaged with the releases, but made a sticky in the forums.
Perhaps something like this exists, but I have not seen it yet.
Things to include:
How to first search to see if the issue already exists.
How to define a project or bug, what information should be included and how do you retreive that information (event viewer / stack trace, etc. - steps to reproduce behavior, etc.)
How to reference other sources (forum threads)
How to post the issue.
I think that if someone on the core team took the time to create solid instructions and make sure that people can find those more easily - that new data entry could become more regular and issues wouldn't float around in forum land for weeks or months before they're added to Gemini.
-Matt Christenson