I have been amazed at the lack of forum posts on this subject but maybe i just missed them or maybe they were moderated out of existence.
I am even more amazed though at the total lack of humanity shown by everyone except mr solarspin. GOOD ON YOU MY FRIEND!!!
I care not for discussions about the 'real world' or corporate affairs. I have simply walked from several well paying software jobs when the 'real world' takes over from simple human morality. These are the things that need to be valued if this mess that we call the world is ever to be sorted out. People come and people go for all manner of reasons. None of this is a problem but as soon as I hear of underhanded non-sense and requests that people lie to keep the face of an organisation my insides churn, I feel sad and sorry for the whole state of affairs and just wish to distance my self from such actions. It's like your best friend saying 'oh, sorry I can't be your friend anymore for reasons that i can't tell you about and please tell everyone that it was you who decided we can't be friends anymore.'
This project started off as a great collaboration between human beings trying to achieve a goal in a free for all give and take manner, sometimes you give more sometimes you take more but it all balances out. It used to fill me with pleasure seeing the interactions of follk on here but as soon as i became aware of these undercurrents the whole project became completely sour for me.
I have a few 'real world' connections to DNN in that i work with it for other organisations and have done so since 1.10 and i have considered using it for various personal business projects but no more. Respect for my fellow human beings tops the list of priorties and it always will. As soon as it is clear that there is a monster in the machine i become very very wary of everything related to it; where might it strike next?
Sentimental? Wishy washy? Not living in the 'real world'? Not at all.
One need only look back across the hundreds of thousands of years of human 'progress' to find out what we have collectively termed 'the golden rule' of behaviour; the law or ethic of reciprocation whcih states little other than "treat others as you would like to be treated." Can anyone really put up their hand and say "i'd like to be treated like that"?. The corporate world of business politics ruling over human ethics is a mere couple of hundren years old at most and is hence as invalid in such an arguement as an ignorant parent saying 'do as i say not as i do' to their child. Another way to put this is 'harm no one do what you will'. However you want to look at it DNN has broken two fundamental ethical concepts built up over thousands of years of civilisation and human interaction and all in the name of......well, i'm not sure really.
Slate away my friends; i live happily by valuing you all above whatever rules an amorphous blob know as a 'company' or worse still a 'corporation' might hold to be important and it always leads me to a decision I am both happy with and that brings me great wealth in a non-monetary sense.
My sympathies are with these mis-treated souls and with solarspin for being the person to 'stand up for their rights'. There is no 'shame on all the rest of you' as no one has to live with what is inevitably a miserable and egotistical approach along the lines of "you twat, i am right can't you see how the real world works?" other than yourselves.. The mechanics of the real world are what has been causing the whole world to become so violent, depressed, cancerous and downright ill. The sooner human values take their rightful place over and above corporate goals the sooner happiness and contentment will begin to outweight sadness, depression and illness.
Obliged and out,