I have been experimenting with the DNNTextSuggest control (using the latest 1.5.0 webcontrol download, VWD, DNN 4.4.1) and feel sure it will eveutnally do what I need. But some questions please:
a. If I set the defaultnodecssclass property the cssclass property gets set to the same value. Conversely if I delete the cssclass property, the defaultnodecssclass property also gets deleted. Is this a bug?
b. I understand that the NodeClick event will not fire when I select a node from the nodelist (because I am not using a postback). But I would like to set a label.text value to the node text when the user selects a node (preferably rather than setting the text value of the dnntextsuggest control). How can this best be done? Where would I add the javascript function? Add it to the DNNNode as it is created in the populateondemand event?
c. I would be grateful if you could explain the use of the Target property.
d. On your webcontrols sample website, if you press 'a' when in the text suggest control, you see a list of 3 items: Adams, Addison, Andrews. The first 2 have the font color yellow (or white?), while Andrews has font color of black. Why is this?