Well, I've finally been able to finish updating a module from 3 to 4. I used Michael Washington's tutorials (I don't know how I would have done it w/o those tutorials....thanks Michael) to get there.
Specifically, to package the module and access the dlls, I read the following tutorial:
Now, here's the issue. Though I had a 'MyModule' folder in App_Code, and also a 'MyModule' in the DesktopModules folder, The following are the only files I could find that had anything to do with the module I updated and which is working fine, compiling fine, etc:
I don't think the 'App_Code.dll' is the dll I want. I want a dll that looks like 'App_SubCode_MyModule.dll'. However, there isn't one in the 'compiled/bin' folder. There is a App_SubCode_Reports.dll dll, which was the other folder in the App_Code folder, but no dll for MyModule.
The closest dll to mymodule was the 'App_Web_viewmymodule.ascx.296815a2.dll' dll. But it doesn't look quite like the GuestBook, since it adds all those funny numbers at the end, and it is specifically a 'view' dll.
Is there any way at all to create a dll that looks like the dotnetnuke.dlls? This new way of getting a dll is driving me crazy. Do I have VS2005 configured incorrectly? Is that why I am not seeing a App_SubCode_MyModule.dll file? While debugging the module, I had some very strange things going on--like not receiving the PageLoad event in my module. As soon as I removed the text/html module from the page, the module started to work correctly and I was receiving the PageLoad event in the debugger. Go figure.
But I have no confidence that I have all the dlls required. I tried to install the App_Code.dll and the other one above in a package, but I rec'd an error. How is it that a module could work perfectly fine, but I don't see any dlls? I would give all my toes to be able to have a project which is similar to 3.x and would just put a mymodule.dll in the bin folder.