Does anyone have the need to separate edit and management tasks? The difference, in my mind, is the ability to add/update/delete rows or manage fields and other table options. Currently, to the best of my knowledge, DNN does not support this separation. Implementing a work-around should be fairly easy for this capability. Would anybody else benefit from this?
In addition to separating edit and management tasks, I've actually had a request to allow specific people to edit specific rows. This means that the edit permission would only allow a person to update the data in one row (not add/delete rows). This would be harder to implement, but still possible given a "reasonable" amount of time. Would anyone benefit from this?
Finally, given the previous requirement, I can see a request coming down the road to support row edit for only certain fields. For instance, a trouble ticket table might allow end users to update contact information, but not display internal-only comments. I may not have explained this last one very well, but does anyone seeing themselves using a feature like this? Again, this would be slightly harder than the first, but easier than the second capability.
BTW, I'm not using UDT for trouble tickets. That was just the first example I could think of