Westa, I made some updates to the code that, actually, seems to make it work better.
I moved the call to the set permissions to the Page_Init
These are the steps that I used now, that seem to work real-time ever time
I can post the code if you would like, but here are just the steps for now
1. Clear the module permission cache for the tab
2. Get the current user info (UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo())
3. Call to set the roles by doing the following
-Using the roles controller add and remove roles
-Retrieve the portal roles cookie value
-Reset the portal roles cookie value to the new value.
4. Set the "Context" User info with the new roles
5. Update the user's account wiht the new roles (UserController.UpdateUser())
I had most of the code in the Page Load before, but now that I have moved it to the page init and added some more steps, it seems to be working better now
Before I did this update, the roles would get removed real-time, but there was still about a 10 sec delay on adding the roles and the modules/action buttons realizing that the user has the correct roles.
Let me know if you would like me to post some code snipets.