I am openly tring to solicit some feedback in the following CORE suggestions, albeit I am slightly biased to a hosting environment for DNN, and towards the enterprise....
Let me know what you all think...
Some CORE Suggestions:
USERS :: As membership roles change, new attributes become required. The core should accommodate this at the User Manager Level. This would ensure that the proper attributes can be set in a self-service manor during the Login Process.
(i.e. Tax ID, SS #, NAICS, DUNN)
PORTALS :: In addition I had heard rumblings of Portal Groups, however, a Portal Attributes provider using the same archetype as the User Profile Provider would accomplish grouping while providing room for other Host level Extensions.
- I am contemplating a cross-portal user synchronization scheduler for cross-portal managers (based on groups of portals that come-online), or a trigger.. thoughts?
PORTABILITY :: Issues in the LISTS table can be accommodated by migrating from a machine key ID. This would allow the eco-system to ‘share’ common enumerated lists (such as counties or postal codes), however, a PortalID filter is perhaps still required.