I was just pointing out the other side of the argument so that it was not misrepresented and to that point the number of beta testers is the crux of the argument.
The point that was brought up is that there is not enough beta testing on major releases, and if one reads between the lines of your responses then it is apparent that you agree.
If you expect everyone who is a platinum benefactor to be focused users you are making an assumption that will not hold true. The reality is that they are representative of the entire base and most will wait for someone else to find, fix, and test. In other words you need a base of 100K just to get 200 focused users that will give you "meaningful data".
That is twice in two posts that you have put down the rest of the community as "potential support problems", and guilty of introducing "garbage" into your support system. I take offense to that, as I am sure many others do.
Another option for getting "meaningful data" into the support system is to let the Project team members post their issues directly into core support system. I guess since that proposition has been rejected many times by the DotNetNuke Board that it should not come as any surprise that there are only 15-20 focused users.
On a positive note, this release has also seen the most bug fixes of any that I can remember. That was mainly due to the filtering of the "garbage" in the public support project of Gemini.
Kudos to everyone who participated in that undertaking, it's not easy but it is necessary.
Good luck as you continue to evaluate your active testers, and tweak your programs to get the desired numbers. In the mean time, it will be easier for us to just realize that the first of any major release of DNN is really just a Beta as it always has been. My recommendation will continue to be that everyone wait for the first point release, which is always excellent.