locopon wrote
You said "When pressing the "update/save".
Please give details: What modules?. when?.... where? etc. Without specific information it could be difficult to help
Also......were any customizations done to your DNN instance before the upgrades? (Localization engine, accelerators, compressors, URL changers, white space removers, etc.). If the answer is yes please disable them and test again (Disable....not uninstall)
Are there errors in the log after/during upgrading?
Hello Locopon,
All modules: if I insert an image (with FCK), I have this behavior.
i.e.: I edit a text area (in any modue), I insert an image and I press "save or update button" (depending of the module, some have an update button, other a save button). Then, I am not redirected to the page with the modifications, but I am redirected to the editing area, excepted that my modification are not taken into account....
Yes, customisation have been done: Locopon modules + Appollo modules + PageBlaster + Ventrian modules + Ventrian Friendly URL. I have already disabled all of them. Without success. Now, I am trying to uninstall all of them (one by one to see if the problem is coming from one of them). I have this problem on two sites, other sites are ok... The only differences are these customisation I have talked about.
No error in the event log (before/after upgrade), and no error neither when the problem appear. If you wish, you can login to my site to test it yourself (I granted you the access few days ago for something else).