I did a search on the forums and didn't find anything with regards to the slideshow functionality in Firefox... does anyone here use Firefox as often to notice that Slideshow doesn't work? (At least for me it doesn't, is there just something wrong with my browser?)
On a sidenote, the media player wasn't working in Firefox either, I had to modify the MediaPlayerControl.vb to add this line before the closing </OBJECT> tag:
wr.WriteLine("<embed type=""application/x-mplayer2"" src=""" & Trim(mRequest.CurrentItem.URL) & """ name=""Player"" width=""" & strW & """ height=""" & strH & """></embed>")
That would become line 108 (using James Jergen's unofficial Gallery module), maybe he can go ahead and add it to his copy as this is the only way (that I could find) to get the media player window to open in Firefox (I haven't tested this with .MOV files yet, but if the embed is also needed I hope he adds this for that tag creation as well).
When I get some time I will also try to implement a simple workaround for marking certain folders in the galleries as Private as this is something I need and see that nobody else has taken the time to write up, and seeing that time is what I am short of I hope I can get to it soon.