Hi there,
Below there are some posts I've placed in the privileged forums for benefactors but it seems nobody has clue of what is going on .. is there someone here who can help me out ?
Thanks in advance
post I (4/26/2007 8:53:32 AM)
Hi there,
This is my situation :
1 test webserver, 1 acceptation webserver, 1 production webserver, 1 presentation webserver and 1 showcase webserver. (all dotnetnuke 3.2.0)
All are on the network and configured to work with Active Directory authentication. On all of these configurations it appears to work properly. But I got the weird behaviour that users are re-loggined in after one hour, the eventlog then shows me a succes login message again. We did extensive investigation but we still do not know why this is happening.
What I did last was configuring a sixth dedicated webserver (windows 2003, IIS6) with DotNetNuke 4.5.0RC3 like all the others (AD authentication) and editted the default.aspx in a way that there is an extra meta tag with a refresh rate of 30 seconds (<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">). After that I cleared the eventlog, cleared all possible cache objects (temporarely aspnet files, etc), reset IIS, closed all browser sessions which where open, cleared all cookies on client browser (IE6) and opened the portal again. The result was that the portal came up, I was authenticated (my name is on the top and the database shows me my AD crendtials), and after 30 seconds the pages resfreshes, minimized the browser and left the building.
The first thing I did this morning was checking the database which was filled with (only) 15 Sucess Login messages
LOGIN_SUCCESS 25/04/2007 18:13:13
LOGIN_SUCCESS 25/04/2007 19:13:24
LOGIN_SUCCESS 25/04/2007 20:13:33
LOGIN_SUCCESS 25/04/2007 21:13:39
LOGIN_SUCCESS 25/04/2007 22:13:47
LOGIN_SUCCESS 25/04/2007 23:14:00
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 00:14:11
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 01:14:19
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 02:14:29
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 03:14:36
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 04:14:48
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 05:14:57
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 06:15:05
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 07:15:12
LOGIN_SUCCESS 26/04/2007 08:15:24
And everytime it's 1 hour! So what and Where is the bug ? I don't know !
My question is; can someone, install dotnetnuke (preferably 3.2.0), configure it with windows authentication (AD), put a refresh rate meta tag of 30 seconds in the default.aspx and wait for an hour or so to see what happens in the eventlog ?
If someone could check this for me that would be great!. Because if the situation will not be as described above, my configuration could be wrong or something like that, if the situation ís like described as above than I real bug in DNN has shown up, which must be brought under the attention of the core members (...put in gemini).
I hope to here from you guys soon...
Thanks in advance,
Pepijn Leenaers
post II (4/26/2007 11:56:57 AM)
Here is a little add-on :
If tried on the same machine (sixth dedicated webserver, see previous) the same test but with Forms authentication and I do not have any problems there (as expected, otherwise thousands of people would have this issue :-).
Conclusion so far ;
1 My configuration s*ckes, but I do not have an example written by the core of how to do it right, I've used (more than one, but the last time, in my try-out above) the one written by kimberlyrox http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Forums/tabid/795/forumid/89/threadid/53005/scope/posts/Default.aspx
2 The problem lies in the DotNetNuke.HttpModules.AuthenticationModule or,
3 It must be in the ADSIAuthenticationProvider or,
4 There is no problem at all, only in my environment but this can only be excluded by trying this on another network, ... somebody feels like helping me by fulfilling my wish in my previous post ?
I still hope someone can help me by reproducing the issue on another environment.
Thanks in advance
Pepijn Leenaers
post III (4/26/2007 6:36:23 PM)
Here's another add-on
If tried all the above stuff on another network (other customer) with a DNN4.5.0RC2 with sqlexpress and normal windows authentication configuration (enable authentication httpmodule row in web.config, edit through UI Interface of portal, and put IIs on integrated windows authentication). And guess what ? Same behaviour here!!!! after one hour of refreshing (refresh rate of 30 seconds) a re-login finds place!
So the problem lies in the above numbered conclusions two or three I guess.
Who can help me?
Can someone of the core can give me a response on this one ?
Thanks in advance