I think you are missing my point here. The starting point for team based development was 6 months ago. There were discussions to be had, prototype to be installed, looked at, source to be looked at, strategy to be formed.
Pardon me again for saying this, but I can bet serious amounts of money that you are not a team leader in real life. Otherwise, you would have delegated responsability/work since day one. You would have broken up tasks (setup a DNN site, setup security, install module etc) and distributed them.
You announced (personnally) that we were going to have a prototype to look at last WE. I dare say that if 2 or 3 people were on the case, we would have seen it last WE indeed.
I am not critisizing you personnally, everybody understands that you are busy, and that your time resources are limited, and that what you can accomplish alone is also limited, but that is exactly the whole point about having a team working together. and I absolutely don't agree about the whole raft of things that you *think* you have to do alone before you can even involve anybody. You could have involved 4 or 5 people in august 2005 and the project would now be much much more advanced than it is now.
I think it is no secret that I applied for a developer role in this wiki project, but I am starting to have my doubts about it. In terms of timing, you have to understand that the long winter nights are particularly appropriate for finding time to work on such a project. The spring and the weather/activities that come up with it are particularly incompatible with it. You already missed half of the winter, I can guarantee you if real development starts in April you are dead in the water already.
To sum up a post from yesterday in the "Using the wiki module" forum yesterday, this project is NOT live because there is only one guy working on it and he has very limited time. The second team leader on this project is non existant because commited to other big projects also.
There is no such thing as "things that you absolutely need to do now before anybody gets involved".
Delegate now !