It should be a process that you don't change code without having a number from Gemini for it. That would also help the core team, and non core team developers know exactly what changed in relation to the exact issue. Also enhancements could be tracked easier.
It really is a simple process but process can be painful at times. However, it holds many benefits.
For example, issues are known yet not logged .. eventually they get logged but are already fixed. How do other core team members know who is working on what?
Another example, let's say I really want an enhancement you added but I already modified it slightly and want to keep my changes. I have no idea what you changed but if there was a Gemini issue and it was commented in the code with that issue number, I could easily do a file scan.
A final example, if the proposed full QA team comes into existence, code reviews could happen very easily.
It just furthers the ease for everyone.
As far as Gemini, unless I missed it, I can't search by creator. It is impossible for me to find the issues I entered. Since there are only 10 in Gemini for 4.5.2 and about 50 on the list... I think it would be much easier to just enter enter the list except whats not there versus finding what is entered but not on the list.