I am having trouble with a site not resolving image URLs correctly.
I am running the site as www.realsite.com (not the real name), which maps to portal 0. That all works perfect. I also have a portal alias of localhost/name, which corresponds to an IIS application on my local computer. I backup the site (database and files) and restore it to my local system, and everything works mostly ok (all the pages come up, I can log in to all the accounts, etc., except that none of my images come up correctly. When I check them, the show a path of, e.g.
http://localhost/portals/0/issues/picture21.jpg, which would be correct if it was http://localhost/name/portals/0/issues/picture21.jpg. For some reason, the full portal alias isn't used when the url for images is generated. The same thing happens for links to pages, i.e. they are bad references, because they are missing the subdirectory that is in fact part of the portal alias.
Navigation via menus works fine, i.e. pages have appropriate URLs, but links are not properly formed.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I would really like to be able to back up the real site and be able to work on it offline, but this problem makes that hard to do.