I can get an array of users in a role this way:
Dim arrUsersInRole As ArrayList = objRoleController.GetUsersByRoleName(portalID, roleName)
The poblem is that if I query e.g. the Membership.Approved property of any user in the returned array, the information is not correct. It returns always true!
The only way I have found to get the real info is get the info again using the GetUser() method this way:
For Each objUser As UserInfo In arrUsersInRole
Dim objUserAux As UserInfo = UserController.GetUser(_portalID, objUser.UserID, True)
If objUserAux.Membership.Approved Then
' only here I have the real Membership.Approved value
' objUser.Membership.Approved returns invalid information
' does anybody knows why? -- Thanks in advance!!