Maybe if you participated in the benefactor program you could help find and fix these before they are released. 
But, participation in a solution is of course harder than just pointing out a problem.
Seriously, If the core team put out a bug free .0 release I'd be willing to bet that you still wouldn't join the benefactor program, but that's just my opinion.
And if Shaun himself came out and said 4.5.4 will be out on June 30th what then? What difference does it really make for you. Projects miss dates all of the time (and I'm not just talking about open source projects). You should know full well by now that past history has shown a new release every month or two.
Sure 4.5.2 had a few bugs and 4.5.3 fixed most of them (and rather quickly I might add). In fact I think everyone was a bit disappointed that a few showstoppers slipped in during the release process. I tested 4.5.2 and decided to wait for 4.5.3 and then upgraded my production sites as I found it acceptable in my use. My only "work around" I had to do was for the Search control web/site items which took about 5 minutes to update the skin.xml file and reparse. I know there are likely other bugs which may affect you and or your sites, but nobody is making you upgrade form whatever "stable" release you are using. From my time on the core I can tell you that the release process is somewhat time consuming and you don't want to throw out a new release quickly unless something is a showstopper bug. Past history shows that when enough other items are found confirmed and fixed to a "stable" point a new release will arrive. And you've been around long enough to know that Brian.
From my perspective, Things have improved by leaps and bounds over the past 4 years. You (well the community as a whole) even has a say in some of the roadmap items now. The module projects are released on their own schedule to allow for more flexibility in releasing updates.
Anyway, Sorry for writing a long post on stuff I know you already know and have heard before. Maybe I'm just having a bad morning.
Happy DotNetNuking!