YESSSS! I got in Round 2 of the show. Check it out. I am near the top on the left on the Top 50 page.
I now have about a 1 in 4 chance of going to Colorado in late July for this awesome traning / contest. I think my chances are pretty good because in reality I was not even in the Top 150 for votes and in Round 1 the Votes counted 50%. So they had to want me to be in it pretty bad to score my other part so high. At least I feel confident going into Round 2. And a great change on Round 2 is that it is 1 vote per person. So no more of the situations where people are getting thousands of votes a day. I only had about 600 votes in round 1 because I did not learn until the next to last day that you could do multiple votes. I thought they were tracking that and would not count them. I also have many of the people in Round 1 that did not make it in my corner now. Lot's of people just seemed to like my genuineness.
Thanks so much for the votes that I did get from the DNN community. I will be sure to work DNN into my press releases somehow over the next couple of days.
I will be putting up a Round 2 video by Tuesday and the voting starts on Wednesday. It is all so exciting.
Bruce, I am definitely getting pretty heavy into the marketing world and have been working with several worldwide teammates on a very big project to rival John Reese's Don't get me wrong. We are NOT going head to head with John Reese. That WOULD be FOOLISH. But from a scope and impact our project will rival his. I know what you mean about he LAMP stuff. Getting anyone to think of anything but Drupal and Joomla is tough. But I am making some headway. We REALLY need a very strong Social Networking component in DNN NOW. I know there are some starter modules out there, but the application of Social Networking to the business world is about to explode and I would love to use DNN. But for now I am stuck working with scripts like PHPFox to do this.
But I did get to host Ewen Chia's Super Affiliate Cloning Center at on DNN. The skin is pretty basic, but that is what Ewen wanted. We have about 800 people on the site that paid Ewen $1500 to be in his coaching club. He sold out the 800 slots in about 4 days. That is when I realized that there is a lot to learn from these people and so I have been doing that for about a year now.
Bruce, maybe we can talk offline about how to make DNN more workable for the marketing community. Let me know. Maybe I could promote DNN to Joel and use it in my Joint Venture with him...The Next Internet Millionaire says confidently.
Thanks again. I will stay in touch for the Round 2 voting.