This is to follow up on a possible JPG file upload problem I reported before and its possible connection to the DPI resolution of the file. I just tested a new DNN 4.5.3 installation with ver. 4.2.1 of the Gallery from your site and the problem seems to still be there.
This is the scenario, I upload JPG files to the Gallery but they would not be processed correctly and would not appear in the album. In other words, I am able to load to the _source directory but the thumbnails or main file for viewing would not be created. This is true for uploads via the Gallery interface or via direct file copy to the _source directory and then doing Maintenance.
In my previous post I discussed the possibility of the problem being related to the DPI resolution of the JPG files in question. The thing is that I’m getting pictures from a photographer that is taking them in really high res and they are huge. So he wanted to be nice and resized them for me so that I only had to upload them to the site. When the photographer resized the pictures, they ended up being set at 72dpi. I initially thought this was the root of the problem because when I resized the pictures to 96dpi they uploaded and were processed properly and finally appeared in the albums.
Today, after doing more testing with the new DNN installation, I found that the problem may be related to not only the dpi but also to how the JPG extension is written in the file name. Yes, strange but I think this is it. I uploaded files at 72dpi and would not show up in the album. I uploaded the same file but then at 96dpi and would not show up in the album either (even after doing Maintenance). While playing with the file names to keep them straight since I have the same files at 72 and 96 dpi I ended up replacing JPG with jpg and guess what? Even at 72dpi the files would appear in the album as long as the extension is written in lower case. Then, I found that the lower/upper case issue seems to only affect files that are less than 96dpi. In other words, I can upload a file that is spelled in all caps but if it is 96dpi or greater it will be processed properly. Only files that are less than 96dpi AND have the extension in all caps will be ignored (or not processed properly).
EDIT, This may not be totally true or it is inconsistent! I also noticed that the file name character “casing” is not managed consistently across the Gallery Module interfaces. For instance, I know that the files I uploaded were all in Caps, but the Maintenance interface would show them all in lower-case. This may be an issue specially when dealing with the XML repository file.
Am I making sense? Could you confirm this?
Let me know if you have questions, I also have sample JPG files I can send you (it is an 11MB Zip).