Hi Hugh - I hope these answer your questions as sometimes using books is a challenge - they tend to get out of date quicker than they can be printed.
The Site Wizard was regarded something that shouldn't be in the control panel, and was shifted to the Admin / Site Wizard location, and other more used tabs were put in it's place.
The changes regarding the modules are due to the fact that to make installation quicker, only the minimal would be installed initially, and you could then go to Host/Modules and see down the bottom of the page, the other modules ready for installation.
It makes the initial install alot quicker and people complained that they didn't need all these modules installed in the first place, so they are there, you just have to look for them.
While the book is helpful, in reality, nothing beats a few hours of your time working around the features that are available in each build.
Hope this gets you on the right track.
Nina Meiers
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