htkalcic wrote
DanBall, what should be the most painless method for importing all those users after purging? Module for bulk import I used before doesnt work anymore - It is for version 3.x of DNN....
I did a restructuring of my configuration before I did this. First I made sure that all DNN security roles used for editing had a matching AD group, and then made sure the correct people were in that group. Then I went into a SuperUser account, and did a query like this:
update userportals set authorised = 0 where userid in (select userid from users where username like '%domain\%')"
Then I went in and deleted all unathorized accounts from the Admin->User Accounts menu (took a couple of tries due to the sheer volume).
I chose to do it this way to make sure DNN did the proper cleanup of user accounts, seeing as the information seems to be spread across several different tables. With the matching AD groups, I shouldn't have to do any manual creation of accounts either.
So far it has worked out well, there were a couple of problems with doing this, and those were with modules that based thier settings off of the userid field which changed when the account was re-created. Overall it went pretty smooth.