For anybody that's interested, I solved a part of my earlier post. In RepositoryDashboard.ascx.vb, adding the highlighted line allows setting the font style for the DNN Tree. However, I haven't quite figured out how to enable a seperate font style for COUNT (will make readability better, I believe). If anybody takes this a step further and figures out how to enable a seperate CSS style for COUNT when used with DNN Tree, I'd be interested. I'd also like to go with blue folders as opposed to the standard yellow but that's a low priority.
Private Sub lstObjects_ItemDataBound
Select Case aTemplate(iPtr + 1)
Case "TREE"
If Not m_hasTree Then
Dim obj As New DnnTree
obj.ID = "__Categories"
obj.SystemImagesPath = ResolveUrl("~/images/")
obj.IndentWidth = 10
obj.CollapsedNodeImage = ResolveUrl("~/images/max.gif")
obj.ExpandedNodeImage = ResolveUrl("~/images/min.gif")
obj.EnableViewState = True
obj.CheckBoxes = False
obj.CssClass = oRepositoryBusinessController.GetSkinAttribute(xmlDoc, "CATEGORY", "CssClass", "SubHead")
AddHandler obj.NodeClick, AddressOf TreeNodeClick
Dim bShowCount As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(oRepositoryBusinessController.GetSkinAttribute(xmlDoc, "CATEGORY", "ShowCount", "False"))
Dim Arr As ArrayList = categories.GetRepositoryCategories(m_RepositoryId, -1)
oRepositoryBusinessController.AddCategoryToTreeObject(m_RepositoryId, -1, Arr, obj, "", bShowCount)
m_hasTree = True
End If