Hi Nik,
Thanks for your previous help, I've now created a complete CSS based skin which you can view here:
http://skins.dnncreative.comI've also created a print.css file which is called up when a user presses print which uses a different layout suitable for printing. - I've tested the file by linking to it directly in the default.aspx file which works correctly, but now I need to edit the Javascript that you provided to add the following link:
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print"
I tried this by adding the details using the commented code that you supplied but it doesn't work, I suspect I'm not using the code correctly. - Could you provide any pointers please?
if (document.createStyleSheet)
document.createStyleSheet("<%= SkinPath %>/iehacks.css");
var styles = "@import url('<%= SkinPath %>/print.css');";
var newStyleSheet=document.createElement("link");
Many thanks,