Scott, maybe you can save me some detective work ... would anything in the way I'm doing this cause a problem with your utlility?
First, when the moderate button is pressed on the repository.ascx control, the following code is executed.
Dim destUrl As String = EditUrl("", "", "Moderate", "pid=" & PortalId, "mid=" & ModuleId)
Response.Redirect(destUrl) |
Then in Moderate.ascx.vb., I use the parameters in the Page_Load to verify that the current user is logged in and is a member of the moderator roles...
Dim bCanModerate As Boolean = False
If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
bCanModerate = oRepositoryBusinessController.IsTrusted(Request.QueryString("pid"), Request.QueryString("mid"))
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If Not bCanModerate Then
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL("Access Denied"), True)
End If
As you can see, I wrapped the check in a Try-Catch block so even if the qs params are lost, it should not throw a visible exception, just default to the 'Access denied' page.
Those were the only changes between 3.01.12 ( in which everything appears to work just fine ) and 3.01.13 ( in which case is doesn't )
I will try and install your utility tonight and see what's throwing the exception, but in the meantime if something 'pops' out at you as a potential problem, I'd appreciate a point in the right direction.