This may just be the dumbest question I have asked, but I must ask it: Does the spacing scheme within the web.config file matter?
I thought there is perhaps a 'best practices' to organize sections of the file, so the tabbing/spacing scheme is just stylistic programmer practice. But every time I go in there, I break it. :) Here's what I am trying to do:
I'm trying to get a site map installed the will index the blog, too. I tried the BiteTheBullet one (and posted about my problems here), but couldn't get it to list a single page, though no other errors. I came across THIS solution that sounds exactly what I am looking for. I downloaded the dlls, put them in the bin, followed the 3-4 web.config changes. Site down.
I tried again. Didn't work. I then tried to isolate where I went wrong. 1.) Dropped in the dlls and tried still works. 2.) Dropped in the first section under the worked. 3.) Dropped in the htmlhandler worked. 4.) Dropped int he last section googlesitemap section...broken. I tried to simply remove exactly what I dropped in...broken. I uploaded the web.config again and closed my browser and deleted my cache and still broken. I cut and past the last 3-4 lines from my web.config backup into the web.config I was playing with and it worked. Before doing so, however, the last 3 lines were EXACTLY the same, save the spacing/tab scheme, as when I use backspace/delete, it changes the appearance.
I only ask, as I have this problem every single time I try to modify my web.config...
Perhaps the core team would consider a better, more google friendly sitemap in future releases? My 'newbieness' caused me to lose another night of production struggling to get a damn site map built. :)
{Edit} PS...was using notepad, too, which might not be a best practice: for easy cutting-and-pasting, I find it easier to open and drop the text in, rather than wait for VS to load, etc...perhaps this is my problem? It must be something I am doing...even simple changing the remoteonly customerror tag to Off won't generate the error anymore...never can get them to display.