Hi All,
I've been testing the AD Authentication for usage in an Intranet environment for a while, but I kept running into loop problems.
Finally I decided to adjuste some of the code myself.
The changes I made, let me login on all the different portals, with the same AD account. Maybe someone has some use for it, so here it is...
One BIG remark:
This code does not let user logout! Make sure you choose your Admin and Host account carefully (they should be part of the domain)!
Initially I installed DNN 4.4.1, and added the AD Fix (Little remark: I do use Integrated authentication on the entire site, not only the WindowsSignin page!)
Here are the changes I made so far:
OnAuthenticateRequest in AythenticationModule.vb:
Replaced the entire sub with:
Public Sub OnAuthenticateRequest(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = Common.GetPortalSettings
Dim config As Authentication.Configuration = Authentication.Configuration.GetConfig()
If config.WindowsAuthentication Then
Dim Request As HttpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request
Dim Response As HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response
Dim blnWinLogon As Boolean = (Request.RawUrl.ToLower.IndexOf((AUTHENTICATION_LOGON_PAGE).ToLower) > -1)
Dim blnWinLogoff As Boolean = (Request.RawUrl.ToLower.IndexOf((AUTHENTICATION_LOGOFF_PAGE).ToLower) > -1)
' When on the login page, alsway's login, no matter what!
If (blnWinLogon) Then
' Login
Dim objAuthenticationController As AuthenticationController = New AuthenticationController()
AuthenticationController.SetStatus(_portalSettings.PortalId, AuthenticationStatus.WinLogon)
'Redirect to the home page
Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, True)
End If
'When logging off, alway's log off, no matter what!
If (blnWinLogoff) Then
' Logoff
Dim objAuthentication As New AuthenticationController
'Redirect to the home page
Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, True)
End If
Dim currentAuthenticationStatus As AuthenticationStatus = AuthenticationController.GetStatus(_portalSettings.PortalId)
Select Case currentAuthenticationStatus
Case AuthenticationStatus.Undefined
'Redirect to the login page
Response.Redirect(GetUrlWindowsSigninPage, True)
Case AuthenticationStatus.WinLogon
'User is logged in, do nothing
Case AuthenticationStatus.WinLogoff
'User is logging of, should not reach this
'Response.Redirect(GetUrlWindowsLogoffPage, True)
Case AuthenticationStatus.WinProcess
'Redirect to the login page
Response.Redirect(GetUrlWindowsSigninPage, True)
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetUrlWindowsSigninPage() As String
'Create the return variable
Dim url As String
' Get some needed settings
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = Common.GetPortalSettings
Dim Request As HttpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request
Dim Response As HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response
If Request.ApplicationPath = "/" Then
url = "/Admin/Security/" + AUTHENTICATION_LOGON_PAGE + "?tabid=" & _portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID.ToString
url = Request.ApplicationPath & "/Admin/Security/" + AUTHENTICATION_LOGON_PAGE + "?tabid=" & _portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID.ToString
End If
Return url
End Function
CreateUser in AspNetMembershipProvider:
Removed the check on the password. This would check failes if the user allready exists in the database, but not for this portal:
' the username exists so we should now verify the password
'If ValidateUser(objVerifyUser.PortalID, user.Username, user.Membership.Password) Then
'Keep the existing code
' not the same person - prevent registration
'createStatus = UserCreateStatus.UsernameAlreadyExists
'End If
GetStatus & SetStatus in AuthenticationController:
Add a unique identifier for the AD user to the name of the cookie.
This would avoid the 'loop' when a users is Authenticated and the cookie is not yet expired.
Dim strUserName As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name
Dim authCookies As String = AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_KEY & "." & PortalID.ToString & "." & strUserName
It would be great if somebody could changes this code to enable the logoff...