6 months ago I lost almost all of my domains due to the problem at Registerfly.Com and til today, I haven't got any of them back. So I do not have any live example to show how good my hosting is. Also remind you, the site where I'm hosting my free skin is not mine and its hosting provider is not very good, so please do not take it as an example.
In the past, when I used to have my sites running, I had very good experiences with HostingSpot.Com . Must say I was really surprised of their professional support, ALTHOUGH their site is not very well-designed and their brand is not very famous. Of course all of you know DNN is not a easy thing to handle for hosters, especially shared-hosting and those who are inexperienced will face lots of trouble (memory usage...). Same for me. During the first 2 weeks, it was horrible. Site ran very slow, application restarted frequently, bunch of errors. I then complained to the host owner (who is an IT teacher, if I'm not mistaken). I really don't know what he did but after that, my sites ran like a charm. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that the server must be restarted once a day at midnight, which takes about 2 minutes. During my contract, there was some more troubles caused by my curiorsity in testing DNN but every problem was responsed very quickly and intelligently.
In short, if you are finding an affordable hosting, please consider HostingSpot.Com . They are fast, reliable although not very well-known. But after all, don't rely too much in what I write because the last time I worked with them is 6 months ago.
Hope this helps.