I am very familiar with .aspx cssclasses.
I guess what I am questioning is the classes within the .vb portion of the coding.
Most of the files I already am customizing seem to have just one class located just below namespace values.
NameSpace Modules.NameofModule
Partial Class ClassofModule
So, I am familiar with writting class assignments within .aspx, and then creating a .css file for the class values.
But with the .vb code, because I have always been using one class assignment, I am not using efficiently.
So what your saying is I can have multiple classes within only one .vb file and refer to each when needed?
I understand that the class can be named within .vb file with assignment values, and then within the .aspx I would refer to classID.
But becuase like I mentioned above, I am using one class for complete .vb file, the only location within .aspx where it refers to class
is within the first tags:
@ Control language="vb" Inherits="Modules.NameofModule.ClassofModule" CodeFile="FileName.ascx.vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="True" %>What I am wondering, is can I simply add class tags to .aspx content where needed, then go back to .vb and end class for first
section and begin a new class to link to? That would be the logical way to setup. Will test.
But in regards to one sub activating another sub?
Here is the code of one event:
Protected Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Me.FormView.Visible = False
LinkButton.Text = "Click Here"
End Sub
But within another sub, it references another sub's name and communicates across the platform to tell sub to:
"")Problem is, when I try to add code to Protected Sub Button_Click:
Protected Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Me.FormView.Visible = False
LinkButton.Text = "Click Here"
End Sub
It just won't work! Hence the question: could I just tell this sub to activate Button_Click "as clicked" (whatever tag would be)
Maybe it's something small I am missing, because ShowData("") already works in another sub alone, why not here?
What do you recommend for getting grid below to update while clicking insert? ShowData("") works on PageLoad?
That is what I am trying to achieve, one click takes care of two concerns. Inserts & updates grid below.
And what is code for activating a sub while in another button_clicked "is clicked"?
Thanks All,