Hello there, need help as I have got some problems. (no... really?!)
Have thrown together my own Module for DNN. Works well. The item consists of a list of objects which are listed. Multiple instances of the module exist throughout the site.
Unfortunately the SearchEngine is not parseing or grabbing SearchItems. Module definition is update & ISearchable has been implemented. I have listed the code below just incase im doing something stupidly obvious.
Public Function GetSearchItems(ByVal ModInfo As Entities.Modules.ModuleInfo) As DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchItemInfoCollection Implements Entities.Modules.ISearchable.GetSearchItems
Dim SearchItemCollection As New SearchItemInfoCollection
Dim colPresentations As List(Of PresentationInfo) = GetPresentations(ModInfo.ModuleID)
Dim objPresentation As PresentationInfo
For Each objPresentation In colPresentations
Dim strContent As String = HtmlUtils.Clean(objPresentation.ItemTitle & HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(objPresentation.ItemText), False)
Dim strShortDescription As String = HtmlUtils.Shorten(HtmlUtils.Clean(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(objPresentation.ItemText), False), MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH, "...")
Dim SearchItem As New SearchItemInfo(ModInfo.ModuleTitle & ModInfo.TabID & "-" _
& objPresentation.ItemTitle, _
strShortDescription, _
objPresentation.CreatedByUser, _
objPresentation.CreatedDate, _
ModInfo.ModuleID, _
objPresentation.ItemId, _
objPresentation.ItemTitle & objPresentation.ItemText)
Return SearchItemCollection
End Function