I need to do this as well. Currently, when the user authenticates with domain/username, the DNN profile is populated with username, firstname, lastname, street, city, state, zip and email address.
I would like to add (and have tried!) more profile properties that match the other fields from the directory but this information is NOT being populated to the DNN profile fields. Is there a specific trick to making this work?
Authentication is set to ASDIAuth, Type is Delegation, root domain is ou=employees,ou=users,dc=domainname,dc=com. All other fields left blank exept email domain. I get accessing global catalog, root domain, ldap all OK and a list of the 5 different domains found.
When I add new profile properties, is there a specific variable that has to be entered or if the 'Property Name" matches the directory field name, should it not be retrieved?
Any advice?