smehrotra wrote
Adoucette - unfortunately, this problem with Captcha is a core issue rather than something which is being caused by the Feedback Module.
I traced it through the code and can tell you how to resolve it but it does require a recompile of the URLRewrite module.
If you think you can do this, then here are the steps:
a) Open up URLRewriteModule.vb (located under DNN455\Library\HttpModules\UrlRewrite) - I believe there is a project reference already to this if you open up your DNN 455 solution.
b) Scroll down to Line 348 where it reads If strURL <> "" Then
c) Change this line to the following
If strURL.ToLower.Contains("captcha.aspx") Then
'Don't do anything since this is a captcha URL
ElseIf strURL.ToLower.StartsWith("https://") Then
' redirect to secure connection
Response.Redirect(strURL, True)
The rest of the block should be left as is. That is to say the main change made is that you check for captcha first and then check whether the url starts with "https://"
I have tried this with my copy of 4.5.5 and it is working as expected. I am sure the core is aware of this too and will probably be fixed in the next release as it becomes available.
Once you've made these changes, remember to recompile.
thanx for the code,
but do you mean something like:
If strURL.ToLower.Contains("captcha.aspx") Then
'Don't do anything since this is a captcha URL
ElseIf strURL.ToLower.StartsWith("https://") Then
' redirect to secure connection
Response.Redirect(strURL, True)
Else ' when switching to an unsecure page, use a clientside redirector to avoid the browser security warning
' add a refresh header to the response
Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "0;URL=" & strURL)
' add the clientside javascript redirection script
Response.Write("<!-- <script language=""javascript"">window.location.replace(""" & strURL & """)</script> -->")
' send the response
End If
If you mean something else, is it possible that you provide the specific segment of code (the complete if-else-endif statements concerning this bug fix?