The usefulness of this particular thread has reached its end.
In a public forum, it is typically the public who best determines what is useful and what is not. Often, folks who contribute significantly see some marginal (and indeed it is marginal) benefit from their own site links, signature links, etc. Understanding this, our policies tend to be relaxed with respect to self-promotion as long as the accompany a genuine effort to be helpful and contribute in a positive way. It seems that everyone involved in the shutdown of this thread has some links somewhere... so anyone saying anything about anyone else is a bit ridiculous.
Harassment (and I would have to characterize the continuing tone of this thread in that manner at this point) won't be tolerated from anyone... "justified" or not. Making justifications for harassment or bigotry is the way to find yourself traveling a path that leads to ruin. We won't go there.
My recommendations are the following:
1) Begin a new thread on this topic. If it is a popular topic, that will be reflected in its status.
2) Stop the accusations and bickering (everyone).
3) If you feel compelled to participate in this or any other thread... do so constructively (i.e. offer corrected or alternative help).
Thank you.