Thanks People!
I have changed the Config file.
Here's the new error message:
(Tried to send it but got "Error on Page" here as well???)
Here's a cleaned version from note pad. Also, I would guess that this is DotNetNuke "04.04.03" or something.
Server Error in '/DotNetNuke' Application.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30560: 'DataProvider' is ambiguous in the namespace 'DotNetNuke.Modules.HTML'.
Source Error:
Line 40:
Line 41: ' singleton reference to the instantiated object
Line 42: Private Shared objProvider As DataProvider = Nothing
Line 43:
Line 44: ' constructor
Source File: D:\websites\\\DotNetNuke\App_Code\HTML\DataProvider.vb Line: 42
Some aditional Code:
Line 19: '
Line 20:
Line 21: Imports System
Line 22: Imports DotNetNuke
Line 23:
Line 24: Namespace DotNetNuke.Modules.HTML
Line 25:
Line 26: ''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 27: ''' <summary>
Line 28: ''' The DataProvider Class Is an abstract class that provides the DataLayer
Line 29: ''' for the Html Module.
Line 30: ''' </summary>
Line 31: ''' <remarks>
Line 32: ''' </remarks>
Line 33: ''' <history>
Line 34: ''' [cnurse] 9/23/2004 Moved Html to a separate Project
Line 35: ''' </history>
Line 36: ''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 37: Public MustInherit Class DataProvider
Line 38:
Line 39: #Region "Shared/Static Methods"
Line 40:
Line 41: ' singleton reference to the instantiated object
Line 42: Private Shared objProvider As DataProvider = Nothing
Line 43:
Line 44: ' constructor
Line 45: Shared Sub New()
Line 46: CreateProvider()
Line 47: End Sub
Line 48:
Line 49: ' dynamically create provider
Line 50: Private Shared Sub CreateProvider()
Line 51: objProvider = CType(Framework.Reflection.CreateObject("data", "DotNetNuke.Modules.Html", ""), DataProvider)
Line 52: End Sub
Line 53:
Line 54: ' return the provider
Line 55: Public Shared Shadows Function Instance() As DataProvider
Line 56: Return objProvider
Line 57: End Function
Line 58:
Line 59: #End Region