I posted this on another thread, so reposting again here.
The message: "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime" in the Events module is a bug (IMHO) - it assumes someone has selected a date on the Calendar, but when the first time the module loads no selection has been made (and the code tries to use year 1).
To fix, adjust the following section in DestopModules\Events\EventMonth.aspx.vb (03.03.08) around line 170:
'****DO NOT CHANGE THE NEXT SECTION FOR ML CODING ****' Used Only to select view dates on Event Month View...NOTE: SelectedDate is NOTE!!! Dim initDate As Date = New Date(Me.SelectedDate.Year, Me.SelectedDate.Month, 1)
'KS fix bug where date has not been selected yet, so set to first of current month If Me.SelectedDate.Year = 1 Then End If
initDate = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, (1 - Today.Day), Today)
' Allow for Prev Month days in View
startDate = initDate.AddDays(-10)