I readed here in the forums that it's only possible to create one blog per user and in that blog we could create subBlogs. Well, that would be good for me except for one detail. Let's see:
One developer John is the administrator for two products A and B. John has one blog with two sobBlogs A and B. In DNN we create two pages, one for the product A and other for B. in each one of the pages we would like to put one blog module displaying only the posts of the product in case. And we can't do that as we could only define in the blog module the parent Blog, not the childs.
Well, here in the DNN portal we have this same scenario as Antonio Chagoury is member of two teams, the Blog and the Installer team. And if we go to the Blog project page, we can see in the posts, some Installer Project posts.
This behavior is strange just for me ? is there some workaround ?
by the way, the Blog Module is amazing, Antonio and his team has done an excellent job.