Hi all,
I am working for a small primary school and we have limited resources. This said, we do have our own site, currently made with a local webeditor, then uploaded using Filezilla. So far so good, but it takes forever to edit all the items that people like to see on the site. In other words, it was time to get Thor2002 looking for a CMS.
Since our host runs his servers on Windows we don´t have the option of runnig PHP CMS-es. This is how we enden up looking at DNN. Before spendig a long time trying we would like to know this.
Is there a way in telling all necessary ´basics´ are on our hosts´ server? With PHP there is the famous ´phpinfo.php´ script. Is there a similar way with ASP.Net?
I read in this forum ´installing dnn on a host is easy-peasy, just copy all files to your server. Does this mean there are no extra settings to be changed....(and naturally we will make a backup of the runnig site (AHUM) just in case it doesn´t work out all to well...)
We have posted similar questions in the umbraco forum, but nobody answered... Probably not to many people using that CMS yet...