I would like to offer a Free Keep-Alive Service for anyone interested.
The only thing that I ask for in return is a link back to my site. I am trying to build up my site again, and inbound links will help give it a boost. If you do not wish to link to my home page, please consider linking to my modules list, as a resource link.
I have the service running currently for about ten sites, timed for about every 10 minutes, so there is room for more. At some point in the future, I may need to stop adding new sites to this service, but for anyone who signs up and keeps the link back to my site, the service will continue on.
If you do not need the keep-alive service, but have an interested in a link exchange, please feel free to link my site, or link to the modules list. I will see the traffic in my logs and link back immediately!
Keep-Alive services page, and request form: http://www.tmmworld.net/tabid/257/Default.aspx
Thank you very much.