Hi Mike, i've got the same problem. I've got two domains with trust relationships between them. The web server is located in one domain appdomain.com with AD and users that should log on to portal is on other domain sub.domain.local with AD.
When I get user information form sub.domain.local with ADSI scripts with appropriate users permissions it works fine. The syntax looks like this:
and I've got the username in usr.GivenName and displayname in usr.sn.
The AD provider did not do that. Provider did not return neither UserName nor DisplayName. When I log on to portal with Windows Auth turned on with user form sub.domain.local the user is logged on, portal user is created but Display Name is empty, First Name filled in with domain NETBIOS name and Last Name filled in with SAM account name.
I have no time to wait and I wnat to try to modify the source of AD Provider but where can i get it. Can you share the source?