I have 3 questions regarding the looks of Blog modules.
1. I want to change the looks (font, the color of the background) of 'Most Recent Entry'.
Which ascx file do I need to change?
2. I created a container to use in the "Most Recent Entry" module.
In the container, I have the below code:
link href="modules.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /
div align="left" class="blog_tx_titlist"
dnn:TITLE runat="server" id="dnnTITLE"
Though I added the class 'blog_tx_titlist' in Modules.css,
the appearance do not change.
I refered
and tried to change the looks of the calendar. It worked.
Is that mean something is wrong with my class 'blog_tx_titlist' in Modules.css?
3. When I click the title of the blog in "Most Recent Entry", it seems like it goes to
ViewEntry.ascx. In the ViewEntry.ascx, there's "BLOGS --> My Blog" link under the title.
If I clikc "My Blog", it goes to ViewBlog.ascx.
I would like to be able to go back to "Most Recent Entry" instead. (don't use ViewBlog.ascx)
Is it possible to do that? if so, how do I do that?
I very appreicate any advice on these questions.
Thank you in advance,