Thanks for the reply.
I actually have similar code:
Public ReadOnly Property ModuleActions() As ModuleActionCollection Implements IActionable.ModuleActions
Dim ac As New ModuleActionCollection
>>>>> FROM HERE >>>>>
'If Not PageControllerCollection Is Nothing AndAlso PageControllerCollection.Active.HasOverrides Then
ac.Add(GetNextActionID, "PageEventActionOverrideSettings", ModuleActionType.EditContent, "", "", NavigateURL(TabId, "StratagemAppSettings", "mid=" + ModuleId.ToString + "&snctl=PageEventActionOverrideSettings.0"), False, SecurityAccessLevel.Edit, True, False)
'End If
>>>>> TO HERE >>>>>
Return ac
End Get
End Property
Here is my problem:
The ModuleActions property is read twice before loading/displaying the action menu:
1. Sometime during page load
2. At mouse-over
The first time the tab loads the action is not added because PageControllerCollection is nothing. But by the time of the mouse-over PageControllerCollection is not nothing and the action gets added. When this happens the action menu never loads.
I suspect I get this behavior because the action collection changed without a postback.
Given the above, I figured I had these options:
1. Figure out why this happens and try to fix it.
2. Always add the action, and then remove it somehow later.
3. Deal with loading an action that it not relevant.
My initial post was in pursuit of #2. However, I just thought of #4
4. Always add the action, and then set invisible when not relevant.
I am thinking I might get #4 to work but any further insight appreciated.