Some of the errors are my old-school fault, I guess...a few align=absmiddle and the like...but some are being caused either by DNN or my skin, I guess. How do I know where these lines that fail validation reside? For example:
< head id="Head" >< meta id="MetaDescription" name="DESCRIPTION" content... >
I think I can remove the first "id" in the head, but not sure on the second...and assuming this is a function of DNN when using the description box for the page?
I am getting some close slashes within the > like" /> Would I just remove the "/" and close it the proper way like, say, < / a >? I am not sure how all this crap got in here, but blaming my skin until I hear further.
...and a lot of "leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" that I guess are no-gos.
Does this hurt SEO? I can live with all these errors, but not sure Mr. G can, so perhaps I need to appease Mr. G? :)
Rather than posting 77 errors, I'll try to do the best I can figuring these out, but are there any sites/documents that might explain these errors and where one would find the culprit?