Hi Giles,
Thanks for your assistance in a previous post. I have now installed VS 2008 Pro. Anyway. I am proceeding rather well with your Guide to installing the store properly, with a view to making code changes. Basically i have got a clean build of DNN 4.4.1 and i am now moving on to the install, i shall continue but am wondering if the "SkinObjects" zip will halt my progress... so,
Three points if i may:
1) Please can you email me the Store_02.01.00_SkinObjects_Install.zip file ? nigelxx at hotmail dot com (Sorry, i know many people have requested this. I'll put a link to download it, via my own site if that helps, as a previous posters link in now dead; And there is no file to download from the Store/Projects/download page.)
2) Is this "SkinObject" zip file essential to proceed with Store Module development ?
3) Is it essential to use the DotNetNuke_4.4.1_Source.zip for any Store module development work? OR, for example, could i build a store development solution using the latest version of DNN 5.x.x ? (Assuming there is a 'with sources' version)
Giles, Many thanks for your time and help so far. I am eager to have a working version of the Store for Development. As i have a few tweaks and improvements that i hope may eventually get included in future releases of the Store Module.