I posted my question a few weeks ago and still having the same and new problems.
My DNN is 455, Feedback modules is 441, and I'm using VS2005.
I'm using Feedback module as 'Contact' form.
I added a few fields such as 'Address', 'email address', ' gender', 'Phone number' etc
and made them to required fields by using RequiredFieldValidator as I was advised in previous post.
My problems are
1. Even if the requried fields are blank, I don't get any error message.
2. Message would be sent to the correct admin email address, but the content of the
message includes only txtBody part. I want 'phone number', 'address' etc to be included in the email message.
I modified Feedback.ascx.vb.
I added the field I would like to include in the email in "Dim strBody"s part in "Private Sub cmdSend_Click".
I also added the line to make the filed blank after the message is sent in "Private Sub InitializeForm()"
like,Textbox4.Text = "". None of them are working at this point.
Even if I sent a message, only txtBody part is included in the email and
the fields I added don't become blank like txtBody part does.
3. I run debug mode. I set a breakpoint at "Private Sub cmdSend_Click".
When I click "send" button in Feedback page, it just go through. It does not stop at the breakpoint.
I rebuild the website without any errors.
I have no idea why the changes I made do not reflect to the site.
I very appreciate your advice.
Thank you in advance,