I just updated my DNN installation, from 4.4.1 to 4.7.0
I did an updarte install, as advised in documentation - simply unzip the update kit over the existing 4.4.1 installation, and started the website
It detected the update and start to process it, first with the database
All SQL Data Provider scripts went ok (with messages like
00:00:13.599 - Executing Script: 04.06.00.SqlDataProvider Success
, up to 4.7.0, which gave me this message
00:00:17.765 - Executing Script: 04.07.00.SqlDataProvider Error! (see 04.07.00.log for more information)
The orher general update scripts were ok too
00:00:20.659 - Performing General Upgrades
00:00:22.852 - Installing Package File LiveID_01.00.00_Install: Success
00:00:23.974 - Installing Package File OpenID_01.00.00_Install: Success
My issue is, what was with the 4.7.0 script, and where I can find the log to look at? I searched it into the dnn installation and I cannot find it. I started the site and it seems ok, but if the script told it has errors, I want to check them and eventually make the required fixes
Thank you for help