i have a website called www.granitedigitalimaging.net where I've created the dnn application.
Another domain name called www.oakhill-centex.com is pointing to this application and the hosting provider added a folder called "oakhill" and inside that folder is a file called default.aspx.
This file is supposedly suppose to make this website be oakhill-centex.com by using this code:
<%@ Page language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="DotNetNuke" %>
<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim DomainName As String
Dim ServerPath As String
Dim URL() As String
Dim intURL As Integer
' parse the Request URL into a Domain Name token
URL = Split(Request.Url.ToString(), "/")
For intURL = 2 To URL.GetUpperBound(0)
Select Case URL(intURL).ToLower
Case "admin", "desktopmodules", "mobilemodules", "premiummodules"
Exit For
Case Else
' check if filename
If InStr(1, URL(intURL), ".aspx") = 0 Then
DomainName = DomainName & IIf(DomainName <> "", "/", "") & URL(intURL)
Exit For
End If
End Select
Next intURL
' format the Request.ApplicationPath
ServerPath = Request.ApplicationPath
If Mid(ServerPath, Len(ServerPath), 1) <> "/" Then
ServerPath = ServerPath & "/"
End If
DomainName = ServerPath & "Default.aspx?alias=" & DomainName
End Sub
I've had nothing but bugs and errors and problems that I cannot figure out where they are coming from, I got a fix to the fckeditor from the developer and it held for awhile, and errors are back again.
My question is: Is this the correct way to be pointing this domain name to my dotnetnuke application, or is this the problem? If it IS the problem, what is the best way to point another domain name to a dotnetnuke application.
Ps When I went to see if my alias names were holding, they were gone. Right now I have as http alias's as granitedigitalimaging.net, www.granitedigitalimaging.net, and I want to ADD oakhill-centex.com and www.oakhill-centex.com, but the application isn't accepting changes!
Thanks for any help with my issue er.. Issues!
PS Plus, I'm going to have to migrate this site and another site to a dedicated server next month, and God knows how that will go because I have NO CLUE how to migrate my dnn applications to another server, but I'll keep reading.