The new version, 3.01.14 of the Repository Module has been submitted to the DotNetNuke Release Process. You can now monitor it's progress towards a public release on the Release Tracking page.
I would like to thank all of you who helped test 3.01.14, by downloading and trying out the development builds during the past couple of months, specifically DV, who's excellent testing and feedback have made this the most tested and stable release of the module ever. Thanks!
Version History
REP-3509 FB-150: Repository - cancel link does not take control back to child screen
REP-4544 Repository - UpdateSettings Bug
REP-4879 Repository Sort doesn't allow objects to follow
REP-5104 Error message when HELP + REPOSITORY modules are on the same page
REP-5759 Repository module: Not able to enter a new article in repository without a download.
REP-6834 Clicking on Dashboard link downloads wrong file
REP-5908 Download pointing to wrong item on [PERMALINK]
REP-6435 Repository Module
REP-6837 After selecting an Item with a PERMALINK url, categories do not work
REP-6838 After clicking on a PERMALINK url, Comment counts are 0
REP-6832 ModuleID being injected twice in Querystring URL
REP-6833 Need tokens for User information
REP-2503 Point to an existing file
REP-6839 Add CreatedDate as a sort option
REP-6840 All files does not work as expected
REP-5790 Moderators should be able to edit all items
REP-6835 Would like to download file directly from dashboard
REP-6836 Clicking on Search results does not work
03.01.14 RC11 Build 18645
Released 01.03.2008
-- Fixed issue with a Dashboard running on the same page as the
Repository and with the DOWNLOAD setting equal to true throwing an
exception about 'Headers already being sent'. Issue is fixed and
no exceptions are thrown.
03.01.14 RC10 Build 24069
Released 12.17.2007
-- Fixed issue with [PAGER] tag. The problem was that in RC9 I
localized the text for the dropdown items in the pager. But did
not include the new resource in the resource file.
The [PAGER] tag uses the Pager.Text resource key in the
App_LocalResources\Repository.ascx.resx file
The default value for the Pager.Text key is
Page {0}
It is a format string with a single value placeholder for the page
number. If you change the resource entry, make sure to have a
placeholder, i.e.: {0} in your resource string
03.01.14 RC9 Build 25650
Released 12.17.2007
-- Fixed a bug where when moderating a user uploaded file that was
uploaded using the new [URLCONTROLFILE] or [URLCONTROLIMAGE], the
file would get disassociated with the item when approved. The
moderator.ascx code was fixed to correctly handle files that are
uploaded using the URL control.
03.01.14 RC8 Build 21292
Released 12.16.2007
-- Fixed a bug introduced in RC7 where only the first item is displayed
in a dashboard module if it's set to 'Top Downloads' mode.
03.01.14 RC7 Build 30556
Released 12.16.2007
-- Fixed the issue of direct download not working in some situations
and the user being redirected to the repository page instead. The
issue had to do with the dashboard module looking at it's own
settings hashtable instead of the associated repository settings
to determine whether or not the current user was authorized to
download an object.
-- Fixed the localization issue regarding the "All Items" text in the
repository module's header.html template and the dashboard
template. You can now change the text for the "All Items" category
by editing the corresponding resource file
-- Updated repository ascx files and all templates to be more 'xhtml'
compliant. I would like to thank William Charlton for the work
he did to clean up the templates and for donating the updated
templates file to the project.
03.01.14 RC6 Build 20678
Released 12.10.2007
-- Fixed the issue where if you enabled direct download from the
dashboard, but did not have download enabled for All Users, the
links would not show up
-- Fixed issue where only the first category of files would be displayed
if you enabled 'All files'. Now, if you have 'All files' enabled
when the user first goes to the page, the 'All files' category
will display and all files will be displayed. Once the user selects
a category, a cookie is written to the user's machine and the
next time they come to the page, the last category they viewed
will be the default category that is displayed. Clicking on
categories will now always display the proper files, including
selecting the 'All files' category.
-- Fixed issue where un-approved items ( items awaiting moderation )
were being counted in the category counts. Now only approved items
are counted. (SQL Script fix)
-- Add a new tag [PAGER] for use in header and footer templates. The
new [PAGER] tag will render a dropdown list of 'pages' that the
user can use to navigate directly to a specific page in your
suggested use, look at the current header.html file .. replace
the [CURRENTPAGE] tag with the new [PAGER] tag. The [PAGER] tag
will always automatically select and display the current page
regardless of how the user navigates to that page, either by
using the [PAGER] control, or next and previous buttons or
an associated dashboard.
03.01.14 RC5 Build 20411
Released 11.29.2007
-- Fixed the issues with the 03.01.14.SqlProvider file. You can now
execute the script multiple times without error. Added indexes and
foreign keys to all tables to improve performance
-- Fixed problem when adding a new repository to a page. The visual
layout was corrupted until you went into the settings page and hit
'Update'. Now placing a new repository on a page will look as
-- Added a new tag for use in your header.html/header.xml files
[ITEMCOUNT] will display the total number of matching items based
on your category/atribute/search filters.
-- Fixed a problem where if you were on page 2 of a category with
more than 1 page, then switched to a different category that only
had enough items to fit on one page, you would see no items and
the page navigator would say "Page 2 of 1". Now switching categories
or sort order will force the display of page 1.
03.01.14 RC4 Build 26327
Released 11.16.2007
-- Fixed the issues with navigating to an item with a PERMALINK URL, and
then changing categories or trying to rate/comment on an item. All
is working properly now and works as expected.
-- Added the abiltity to localize the default text in form.html file
for Summary and Description fields. Before, you could add a Setting to
the form.xml file for the [SUMMARY] or [DESCRIPTION] tokens, named
Deafult and set the Text value to some text.
You can now enter a localiztion tag and the text will be retrieved
from the local resource file for the current language.
for example:
At runtime, for a new Repository upload, it will retrieve the text
from the local resource file ( located in the template's
App_LocalResources folder from the form.ascx.resx file )
looking for the ArticleSummary.Text key.
NOTE: The key can be anything, you just need to add a key to your
local resource file then add the same key to your form.xml file.
-- Changed the default height for Summary text editors from 100px
to 150px
03.01.14 RC3 Build 15506
Released 10.31.2007
-- Now that you can delete the existing "ALL" category, I fixed some
minor issues to make sure your repository module will work properly
IF you have a module with NO categories defined at all. I also
fixed some minor issues with the Upload/Edit form and the Dashboard
when there are no categories defined for a module.
03.01.14 RC2 Build 26898
Released 10.31.2007
-- fixed a minor issue with the Dashboard module where the 'All items'
hyperlink would sometimes not be listed first. It is now always listed
as the first item in the category list.
03.01.14 RC1 Build 16515
Released 10.31.2007
-- fixed a problem with the new [URLCONTROLFILE] and [URLCONTROLIMAGE]
tokens. If you uploaded a file using the new controls, the filesize
would be displayed as 0 bytes. It now displays the actual filesize
-- Implemented new logic for the "All Files" category. There is a new
setting in the module settings. A checkbox named "Show All Files". If
checked, then in the Categories dropdown an entry for 'All items'
will be inserted at the top of the list. Selecting 'All items' from
the categories dropdown will display ALL items regardless of their
category membership.
-- The logic for the new 'All items' filter was extended to the
Dashboard module. If the repository module setting for 'Show All
Items' is checked, AND you are using one of the category modes, then
an 'All items' hyperlink will be displayed along with the categories
-- With the above changes, your existing "ALL Files" category is now
just a simple category, you can delete or rename it to something
else. The logic to enforce the first category has been removed from
the upload/edit process. You can now upload an item and not associate
it with any categories at all if you do not check any. You would then
only see the item if you selected the new 'All items' filter.
-- The text for 'All items' in both the repository module and the
dashboard module is localized, you can change the text by editing
the key in the Localresources file for the module.
03.01.14 Build 22825
Released 10.25.2007
-- Added support for 2 new token tags in FORM.HTML
Using [URLCONTROLFILE] in your FORM.HTML file instead of [FILE] will
use a DotNetNuke URLControl to enable you to upload a file or Select
an existing file from the file system.
Using [URLCONTROLIMAGE] in your FORM.HTML file instead of [IMAGE]
will allow you to upload a new image or select an existing image
from the file system
03.01.14 Build 15245
Released 10.12.2007
-- Added CreatedDate as sort option
-- REP-4544 Repository - UpdateSettings Bug. Fixed bug where trying
to MOVE a Repository module to another page was not working
-- REP-5104 Error message when HELP + REPOSITORY modules are on the
same page
-- REP-3509 FB-150: Repository - cancel link does not take control back
to child screen
03.01.14 Build 13179
Released 09.02.2007
-- Fixed bug where selecting an item via the PermaLink URL or via a
Dashboard file entry, the Comment Count would be 0. The fix was a
change to the grmGetSingleRepository stored procedure. If you are
already running a previous dev build, then after installing this
build, you'll have to run the 3.01.14.SqlProvider manually by
copying the text (do not copy the final GO line ), and pasting it
into the Host->SQL page, make sure to check the 'execute as script'
-- Fixed bug where after selecting an item via the PermalLink URL, you
could not change categories.
-- REP-6836
Fixed bug in Search collection routine. When you searched using the
core search function and found an item in a Repository module, the
URL link would not work. It contained grm2id instead of id. NOTE:
After installing this build and Re-Indexing content using the
Host->Search Admin page function, I was still getting grmid in the
results URL. I had to manually deleted the rows from the SearchItems
table for my Repository moduleid, then Re-Index content in order
for the new search items to appear. Then on the Search results I
would see id instead of grm2id.
03.01.14 Build 26574
Released 08.09.2007
-- Fixed a bug in the Moderator screen that was causing the Edit pencil
icon to not display. Moderators can now edit an unapproved item
03.01.14 Build 13784
Released 08.04.2007
-- Added support for a DOWNLOAD setting on the FILENAME option for
Dashboard file-type modules. Setting DOWNLOAD equal to true will
change the behavior of hyperlinks for files in Dashboard modules,
triggering the download dialog box instead of navigating to the
Repository module and displaying the item.
03.01.14 Build 35870
Released 08.01.2007
-- Fixed an issue where the wrong item would be downloaded or opened if
you clicked on a file link in a Dashboard on a different page then
the Repository Module. The issue was a mispelled ViewState variable
that kept track of the item's ID. The code would check for mItemID
but the code that set the variable was setting mitemID (lower case i)
Since mItemID was always blank, it would default to the first item
in the Repository instead of the item being displayed.
03.01.14 Build 28652
Released 07.07.2007
-- Fixed a bug in which the Moderate Button was injecting the ModuleID
into the URL twice causing a problem if the web site was using a 3rd
party utility that would process the querystring.
-- Enhancemment: New template tags added
[CURRENTUSER] This tag will be replaced at runtime with a property
from the current user's User record. The property that is rendered
is controlled by the template.xml file as a setting for the object.
There are two settings for the [CURRENTUSER] token.
+Property -- identifies the user property to render
possible values:
UserID | UserName | DisplayName | EMail | FirstName | LastName
+Default -- if the current user is not logged in, then this is
the string value that will be returned for all properties
-- sample template.xml entry
[USERPROFILE] -- same as CURRENTUSER above, except data comes from
the user's profile record instead of their user record
There are two settings for the [USERPROFILE] token.
+Property -- identifies the user property to render
possible values:
Cell | City | Country | Fax | FirstName | FullName | IM
LastName | PostalCode | PreferredLocale | Region | Street
Telephone | TimeZone | Unit | WebSite
+Default -- if the current user is not logged in, then this is
the string value that will be returned for all properties